Start measuring the carbon footprint of your collaborators, promoting environmentally friendly mobility habits.


Sustainable Mobility

With Ualabee you are one step closer to:

Reducing car traffic

Improving the quality of air

Saving thousands of trees a year

Ensuring the future of next generations

Avoid a life in the desert

Save time and cost for your employees

Our product accompanies the strategic objectives of companies towards ESG criteria.

Our Solution

Promotes sustainable mobility habits generating multiple positive impacts in the city

Sustainable Mobility

Encourage environmentally friendly means of mobility such as bicycles and scooters, walking and public transport.

Corporate Look & Feel

Use Ualabee for companies to position your brand as a key player in sustainability policies.

Rewards System

We offer discounts and free trips in different ways to your employees who are most committed to the environment.

7 million people die each year due to environmental pollution. We lose 300 hours a year by moving to and from our workplace.


You will be able to contribute to the environment and to the whole society through your collaborators.



You will save your employees more than 100 hours a year, providing a solution to make efficient use of their time.



We generate community and a greater sense of belonging to your organization, reducing the turnover of human talent by up to 40%.



Raise awareness about the environmental impact and the possibilities of action within your company, collaborate with the current EGS challenges and policies.



Your actions have a direct impact on sustainability policies, the challenges to reduce carbon and the decongestion of urban traffic.